Acting with wit and wisdom? An integrated response to global challenges in your own community – get inspired by the Global Ecovillage Network.

Seminar for urban communities – upon request

Imagine a world living abundantly, while within its limits. A world that is regenerating rather than depleting the environment, and where cooperation and connection is rewarded. It is the vision of Global Ecovillage Network (GEN).

Is it also your vision and that of your community? Are you part of an urban community (Baugruppe, activist community, start-up, cooperative, NGO or other organization) in Austria who is seeking to give an integrated response to global challenges? Would you like to reflect on your current values, achievements and potential shortfalls? Would you like to be inspired in order to find your next steps?

The values, experience and knowledge of GEN ecovillages, ecotowns, permaculture sites and urban projects all over the world may be of help. This solution-based tool-kit encompasses ecological, social, economic and cultural dimensions, as well as the integrated whole. GEN is ready to share it, in order to enhance the transition to a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing pathways to a regenerative future. We aim to facilitate this knowledge transfer in the place where we live, in Austria. Our aim as GEN trainers and ambassadors is to create a bridge between the knowledge of conscious communities globally and urban initiatives in Austria.

We are offering seminars, with a short introduction on the GEN approach, and a more in-depth exchange on the transfer of these ideas. We are using the so-called GEN cards, as well as facilitating the meeting.


  • Orsolya Lelkes – Certified Coach (ICF), GEN Trainer and Ambassador
  • Peter Gringinger – Trainer, Environmental Consultant, GEN Ambassador

If you are interested, get in touch to discuss the details.